Tag: Antonio Vetrò
Generative AI and liability of developers, providers and users
A TIM-financed project which aims to address modern challenges related to the liability of different subjects in regards to the use and development of AI systems.
Software Engineering II
A Politecnico di Torino master course (Master of Science in Computer Engineering) aiming at expanding the knowledge and skills of students in the software engineering, especially concerning the management of the software development process, the organization of development activities, quality assurance, process improvement and software evolution.
Sistemi informativi aziendali
A Politecnico di Torino course aimed at giving conceptual tools and methods for designing, understanding, and controlling the development processes of information systems in the context of goods and services production.
Responsible Artificial Intelligence
A Politecnico di Torino master course (Master of Science in Computer Engineering) aiming at raising awareness on the principles of a responsible development of Artificial Intelligence, as well as on the social conditioning on the developments of AI and, in wider terms, digital technologies. The deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in several domains of…
Data Ethics and Data Protection
A Politecnico di Torino master course (Master of Science in Data Science and Engineering) aiming at giving students an increased awareness of the role of data scientists and data experts in society, and a better understanding of the main challenges that they face in developing innovative data-driven products and services.
The New European Data Strategy: a comparison with the USA
An explanation of the upcoming European rules regarding data exchange and processing, and a comparison between those and the current American system.
An italian project, submitted under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan funded by the European Union, that seeks to advance the development of AI systems that interact with humans, adapt to changing contexts, prioritize safety, and consider ethical and legal impacts.
Digital technologies and society
Digital technologies and society is a Polytechnic University of Turin master course (Master of Science in Computer Engineering) aiming at raising awareness on what being a computer engineer means in the age of the digital revolution.
Uno sguardo all’etica digitale
12 ottobre 2022 | 10° Festival dell’Innovazione e della Scienza | Con Antonio Vetrò (senior research fellow Centro Nexa)
Informatics is creativity
Computer engineering is a highly creative discipline, based on the skills of problem solving, planning and design and cannot be reduced to the image of the “nerd” stereotype. This path is aimed at secondary school female students (3rd and 4th year), with the aim of promoting computer engineering without the gender stereotypes with which it…
Executive Master “Digital Policy and Technology” – LUISS School of Government
Antonio Vetrò has been responsible for a teaching module at the Executive Master “Digital Policy and Technology” of the LUISS School of Government, held from September to February 2021. The Master Executive, realized in collaboration with Facebook, offered a multidisciplinary and training path, combining the study of political communication with the latest trends in technological…
Biennale Tecnologia for Teachers and Students of Secondary Schools
In 2021, the Biennale Tecnologia has decided to strongly relaunch its commitment to supporting teachers and students at secondary schools, following up on the proposal of activities and laboratories promoted and carried out during its first edition.
Distributed architectures for private and efficient data management
Distributed data management architectures for telecommunications companies.
129° Mercoledì di Nexa – Valutazione e comparazione di software open source per le Pubbliche Amministrazioni
13 maggio 2020 | GUIDO PERA (Responsabile del Centro di competenza AgID per il riuso del software) | ANTONIO VETRO (Ricercatore al DAUIN e Senior Research Fellow Centro Nexa) | MARCO CONOSCENTI (Ricercatore Post-Doc al Centro Nexa)
Evolutionary dynamics of science and technology
“Evolutionary dynamics of science and technology” is a course within the Specialization Master’s in journalism at Università di Torino. The goal of the course is aligned with that of the Master: to equip students with the professional, technical and cultural tools to work competently in new scenarios and recognize the new challenges of journalism.
Assessment of Open Source Software for Public Administrations
A procedure for assessing and comparing open source software for Public Administrations
Scienza Nuova – Italian Institute for Advanced Studies in Torino “Umberto Eco”
Scienza Nuova, the Italian Institute for Advanced Studies in Torino “Umberto Eco”, is a newly established research institute
Empowering Open Access of Polito publications using Semantics and Deep Learning
Riconnessioni – Fondazione per la Scuola (Compagnia di San Paolo)
Riconnessioni is an education project whose goal is to support teachers in bringing technological, organizational and didactic innovations in primary and junior high schools. The mission of the project is to create a model of educational innovation at a national level.
61° Nexa Lunch Seminar – ICT4D alla prova dei valori socio-culturali
27 giugno 2018 | DIEGO MARIANI (Fondazione Arbor) | ANTONIO VETRÒ (Nexa Center)
I nostri dati nelle mani delle aziende, perché la democrazia è a rischio
AgendaDigitale | 14-05-18 | di Antonio Vetrò, Mattia Plazio, Francesco Ruggiero
52 Nexa Lunch Seminar – An open discussion on the data revolution
28 giugno 2017 | ANTONIO VETRÒ (Director of Research at Nexa Center)
Power Aware
Lights off, brains on
8° Conferenza Nexa su Internet & Società
Internet delle Cose: Inferno o Paradiso? | Venerdì 2 Dicembre 2016, Sala “Luigi Ciminiera” DAUIN – Politecnico di Torino
CINI – Laboratory for Informatics and Society
Laboratory of the Italian National Inter-University Consortium for Informatics.
Building a shared roadmap and strategy concerning the Open Educational Resources with the countries of the MENA region
Coordination Action encouraging the development of matching policies on Open Access (OA) and Open Data in the European Union
9° Nexa Lunch Seminar – Come valutare la qualità degli Open Data
27 marzo 2013 | MARCO TORCHIANO (Politecnico di Torino) | ANTONIO VETRO (Politecnico di Torino)