Tag: Giuseppe Futia
116° Nexa Lunch Seminar – Bringing Archives to Life. Costruire Knowledge Graphs con i Large Language Models
25 settembre 2024 | GIUSEPPE FUTIA (Fellow del Centro Nexa)
99° Nexa Lunch Seminar – Sistemi interattivi e medicina, il ruolo dei knowledge graphs per il riconoscimento di entità nel linguaggio naturale
22 giugno 2022 | GIUSEPPE FUTIA (Fellow Centro Nexa)
84° Nexa Lunch Seminar – eXplainable AI for Everyone. Interpretare l’intelligenza artificiale attraverso le tecnologie semantiche
27 gennaio 2021 | GIUSEPPE FUTIA (Centro Nexa su Internet & Società)
Rivoluzione Digitale
Rivoluzione Digitale (Digital Revolution) is an elective course for first-year students at Polytechnic University of Turin. It aims to contribute to the education of future engineers and architects as digital individuals, by providing students with the multidisciplinary knowledge required to understand the digital revolution, and by teaching them practical online-world skills.
72° Nexa Lunch Seminar – Geranium, tecnologie semantiche e deep learning per le pubblicazioni del Politecnico di Torino
25 settembre 2019 | GIUSEPPE FUTIA (Centro Nexa su Internet & Società)
Empowering Open Access of Polito publications using Semantics and Deep Learning
White Paper on Artificial Intelligence
The first Italian document with recommendations and guidelines on how to properly use Artificial Intelligence in the Public Administration.
Knowledge Graphs and Deep Learning
Modeling the semantics of Data Sources with Graph Neural Networks
43° Nexa Lunch Seminar – Big Data e tecnologie semantiche – Utilizzare i Linked Data come driver d’integrazione di dati
27 luglio 2016 | GIUSEPPE FUTIA (Research Fellow del Centro Nexa)
A project for enabling MAchine ProcessAble pOrtals for Public Administrations
31° Nexa Lunch Seminar – Bandi e contratti pubblici: dagli XML della trasparenza ai Linked Open Data
27 maggio 2015 | NICOLA RUSTIGNOLI (Laureando in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni al Politecnico di Torino) | GIUSEPPE FUTIA (Communication Manager e research fellow del Centro Nexa su Internet & Società)
A tool for exploring public procurement data using Linked Data
Feasibility study in the context of Open Government Data for enabling collaborative processes to improve data quality and usability
Public Domain: Supporting the Libraries and Museum Area of the Politecnico di Torino
Supporting the initiatives of the Libraries and Museum Area of the Politecnico di Torino to increase awareness on the Public Domain
TellMeFirst – A Knowledge Discovery Application
A tool designed for classifying and enriching textual documents using Linked Open Data