The first 15 years of the Nexa Center for Internet and Society

Versione Italiana

Turin, June 2023

"The first 15 years of

the Nexa Center for Internet and Society"

Juan Carlos De Martin and Marco Ricolfi

co-founders of the Nexa Center


This contribution outlines the context and objectives of the establishment in 2006 - at the Polytechnic of Turin, but in close collaboration with the University of Turin - of the Nexa Center for Internet and society. The activities prior to the establishment of the center will be presented, underlining the international experiences that served as a model. The institutional structure of Nexa will be briefly described, as well as the main features of its community. The main activities of the first fifteen years of the life of the center will then be summarized. This contribution will conclude with a critical evaluation of the first phase of the life of the Nexa Center, with a look at the future in a profoundly changed context.

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Expanded and updated version of the article: "L’esperienza del Centro Nexa su internet e società", Atti & Rassegna Tecnica - LXXVI, 1-2-3 - Cultura tecnica e cultura umanistica. Il caso torinese (December 2022)
