Category: Libre Knowledge
CLIKC: Content and Language Integrated learning for Key Competences
An Erasmus+ project that developed an innovative AI-powered platform to effectively train unemployed individuals
STRATEGYHACK – Hacking Institutional Strategy for Rapidly Deployed Digital Education (EU Project)
Hacking Education through eLearning and Open Education
Biennale Tecnologia
A series of wide-ranging national and international appointments aimed at proposing a broad reflection on technology and society
Festival della Tecnologia
A series of wide-ranging national and international appointments aimed at proposing a broad reflection on technology and society
Empowering Open Access of Polito publications using Semantics and Deep Learning
SUSST – Scienze Umane e Sociali per le Scienze e la Tecnologia
A project that aims at (re)opening a fruitful dialogue between the engineering sciences and the humanities
EDU-HACK – Hacking Education through eLearning and Open Education (EU Project)
Hacking Education through eLearning and Open Education
Knowledge Graphs and Deep Learning
Modeling the semantics of Data Sources with Graph Neural Networks
Building a shared roadmap and strategy concerning the Open Educational Resources with the countries of the MENA region
A tool for exploring public procurement data using Linked Data
University in the Digital Age
Re-thinking the University’s role in Society in the Networked Age
Creative Commons Italia
The Italian affiliate of Creative Commons, a non-profit organization that enables the spread of knowledge and creativity through free legal