Tag: Mattia Plazio
Mattia Plazio
Staff 2017-2020
Biennale Tecnologia for Teachers and Students of Secondary Schools
In 2021, the Biennale Tecnologia has decided to strongly relaunch its commitment to supporting teachers and students at secondary schools, following up on the proposal of activities and laboratories promoted and carried out during its first edition.
Biennale Tecnologia
A series of wide-ranging national and international appointments aimed at proposing a broad reflection on technology and society
Festival della Tecnologia
A series of wide-ranging national and international appointments aimed at proposing a broad reflection on technology and society
I nostri dati nelle mani delle aziende, perché la democrazia è a rischio
AgendaDigitale | 14-05-18 | di Antonio Vetrò, Mattia Plazio, Francesco Ruggiero
CINI – Laboratory for Informatics and Society
Laboratory of the Italian National Inter-University Consortium for Informatics.