Opening Italian Data

Executive summary



The Center supports cutting-edge initiatives in this domain with the twofold objective of promoting socially beneficial initiatives and gathering experience, case studies and empirical evidence to feed our research on public sector information.

The policy support activity of the Center in this domain also contributes to the overall funding strategy of Nexa, since this domain constitutes to core of the collaboration between the Center and Regione Piemonte, as well as other public administrations and private organisations.


During the last period, the Nexa Center continued contributing to the Open Data strategy of the Piedmont Regione, e.g. participating in the drafting of position papers listing policy priorities in that arena. Moreover, the Nexa Center started supporting – on a pro bono basis, the Open Data initiative of the Alessandria Municipality, focusing its effort on the open disclosure of accounting data.

Thanks to Art. 52 of the CAD, all the data published by an Italian public sector body without an express license are to be considered open data. And open data are defined by Art. 68 as data which are reusable by anybody, included for commercial purposes, accessible online in open and machine readable formats, and available for free or at marginal cost.

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In: Italian Journal of Library and Information Science, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 441–452, 2013.

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