Guido Noto La Diega (University of Stirling, Fellow Centro Nexa)
Presentano: Marco Ricolfi e Jacopo Ciani Sciolla (Università di Torino)
Mercoledì 19 ottobre, ore 10.00-11.30 (CET)
Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Campus Luigi Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena 100, Torino
Aula B2
For decades, the decreasing importance of tangible wealth and power – and the corresponding increasing significance of their disembodied counterparts – has been the subject of much legal analysis. For some time now, legal scholars have grappled with how laws drafted for tangible property and pre-digital ‘offline’ technologies can cope with dematerialisation, digitalisation, and the internet.
As dematerialisation continues, this book aims to illuminate the opposite movement: re-materialisation, namely the return of data, knowledge, and power within a physical ‘smart’ world. This move frames the book’s central question: can the law steer re-materialisation in a human-centric and societally beneficial direction?
To answer it, the book focuses on the IoT, the socio-technological phenomenon that is primarily responsible for this shift. After a thorough analysis of how existing laws can be interpreted to empower IoT end-users, Noto La Diega leaves us with the fundamental question of what happens when the law fails us and concludes with a call for collective resistance against ‘smart’ capitalism.
Guido NOTO LA DIEGA is Associate Professor in Intellectual Property and Privacy Law at the University of Stirling, UK., where he directs the Scottish Law and Innovation Network (SCOTLIN) funded by The Royal Society of Edinburgh, chairs the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, teaches Media Law and Intellectual Property Law, and carries out research at the Center for Research on Information, Surveillance, and Privacy (CRISP). His main expertise is in Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, robotics, and blockchain (including smart contracts and NFTs).
Il libro presentato
Guido Noto La Diega Internet of Things and the Law: Legal Strategies for Consumer-Centric Smart Technologies (Routledge 2022) | LINK
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