Turin, July 17, 2023
The Nexa Center for Internet and Society today announces the new members of the Nexa community for the 2023-2024 academic year.
This year the new members are: two Trustees, Stéphane Grumbach (Inria – Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) and Enrico Donaggio (Institute for Advanced Study of Aix-Marseille University); two Fellows, Ludovica Paseri (University of Turin) and Cristina Voto (University of Turin).
The new Trustees
Stéphane Grumbach – Trustee
Stéphane Grumbach, senior scientist at Inria, the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology, is a specialist of data systems. He has worked on theoretical issues in informatics regarding the processing of complex data types, such as spatial, statistical, as well as biological, and has designed the first compression algorithm, Biocompress, for DNA sequences. His interests have evolved to more global questions related to the impact of digital systems on society, such as the geopolitical implications of the digital, which triggers new imbalances and asymmetries between nations; the contrasting visions promoted in different regions of the world, such as North America, East Asia and Europe; the emergence of a control society, while human societies are facing the challenges of a more constrained global environment; and more generally the contemporaneity of the anthropocene and the digital revolution. He joined IXXI, the Complex Systems Institute at ENS Lyon, in 2014, is affiliated with the GEODE Project on the Geopolitics of the Datasphere, and works in collaboration with the Research Institute on Humanity and Nature, RIHN in Kyoto. He teaches Digital Economy in SciencesPo Paris.
He has been strongly involved in international relations, has spent eight years in China, first as science counsellor in the French Embassy, and then in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he headed the Sino-European IT Lab, LIAMA.
Enrico Donaggio – Trustee
Enrico Donaggio teaches Philosophy and practice of interdisciplinarity and is the Scientific Director of the Institute for Advanced Study of Aix-Marseille University. He is author of Una sobria inquietudine. Karl Löwith e la filosofia (Feltrinelli, 2004; translated in French, Spanish and German), Che male c’è. Indifferenza e atrocità tra Auschwitz e i nostri giorni (L’ancora del Mediterraneo, 2005), A giusta distanza. Immaginare e ricordare la Shoah (L’ancora del Mediterraneo, 2010), Direi di no. Desideri di migliori libertà (Feltrinelli, 2016). He has edited La Scuola di Francoforte. La storia e i testi (Einaudi, 2005), K. Marx, Capitalismo, istruzioni per l’uso (Feltrinelli, 2007), C’è ben altro. Criticare il capitalismo oggi (Mimesis, 2014), K. Marx – F. Engels, Manifesto del partito comunista (Feltrinelli, 2017), K. Marx,Manoscritti economico-filosofici del 1844 (Feltrinelli, 2018), H. M. Enzensberger, Colloqui con Marx e Engels (Feltrinelli, 2019), F. Engels, La condizione della classe operaia in Inghilterra (Feltrinelli, 2020), C . Dejours, L’ingranaggio siamo noi. Lavoro e banalizzazione dell’ingiustizia sociale (Mimesis, 2021).
The new Fellows
Ludovica Paseri – Fellow
Ludovica Paseri is a postdoctoral researcher in Philosophy of Law and Legal Informatics at the Department of Law, University of Turin. In 2022, she obtained a PhD in Law at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, in co-tutelle with the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) of the University of Luxembourg, where she obtained the doctoral degree in Computer Science as part of the LAST-JD Joint International and Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in “Law, Science and Technology”. Her doctoral research is on “The European legal approach to Open Science and research data”. In 2017, she graduated in Law at the University of Turin, with a dissertation titled “The European strategy for cloud computing. Problems and perspectives”. Author of several publications, Ludovica is passionate about research and teaching activities, engaged in promoting the debate on the interplay between law, technology, and science. Her research interests encompass the governance of scientific research data, the European Open Science policies, the right to privacy and personal data protection and the role of institutions in the digital revolution.
Cristina Voto – Fellow
Cristina Voto is a research fellow at the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences at the University of Turin within the ERC FACETS project and, in the same institution, she is an adjunct lecturer in Visual Communication. He teaches at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina, and at the Universidad de Caldas, Colombia. He is currently researching at the Computer Science Department of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She works on semiotics, digital arts and humanities, design and queer and gender studies, and is curator of the Biennial of the Moving Image in Buenos Aires.
Honoring the ethos of “networking” which is central to an Internet & Society center such as Nexa, the Nexa community is also complemented by Faculty Associates, who will actively collaborate with the Nexa Center community through an array of channels.
These relationships, as well as the involvement of former collaborators, partners, students, interns and other colleagues, are fundamental to the work and identity of the Nexa Center, as well as to enhancing its capacity and expertise. The Nexa Center sincerely thanks both those community members who will maintain their affiliations with the Center during the coming academic year, as well as friends who – after important past contributions – will move to alumni status.
Finally, the Nexa Center commemorates the 2nd anniversary of Philippe Aigrain‘s death (11 July 2021) and the 6th anniversary of Stefano Rodotà death (23 June 2017). Both Trustees of the Nexa Center since its foundation in 2006, Aigrain and Rodotà were scholars and friends whose ideas and deep humanity left an indelible mark on the memory of all Nexa people.
Returning as Faculty Fellows
Antonio Casilli, Massimo Durante, Giovanni Leghissa, Luca Peyron.
Returning as Fellows
Mauro Alovisio, Eleonora Bassi, Lorenzo Benussi, Carlo Blengino, Fabio Chiusi, Marco Ciurcina, Deborah De Angelis, Giulio De Petra, Giuseppe Futia, Giovanni B. Gallus, Guido Noto La Diega, Stefano Leucci, Federico Morando, Fabio Nascimbeni, Francesco Ruggiero, Monica A. Senor, Giuseppe Vaciago.
Returning as Faculty Associates
Simone Arcagni, Giancarlo Frosio, Marco Torchiano, Daniele Trinchero, Giorgio Ventre, Alessandro Cogo, Enrico Bertacchini, Mario Calderini.
The Nexa Community is also formed by the Board of Trustees.