There are several links between the activities of the Nexa Center and the teaching activities of the co-directors, faculty fellows and other fellows of the Center.
Main Active Courses

“Politica e tecnica”: the course “Global Challenges” on digital challenges
The “Global Challenges” courses are an opportunity to deepen in a highly interdisciplinary way a specific topic of importance for the life of humanity, placing technology at the center but at the same time showing how technology is an integral part of our humanity and our living together on the planet.
“Responsible Artificial Intelligence”: a Nexa-based computer-engineering graduate course
A Politecnico di Torino master course (Master of Science in Computer Engineering) aiming at raising awareness on the principles of a responsible development of Artificial Intelligence, as well as on the social conditioning on the developments of AI and, in wider terms, digital technologies.

Data Ethics and Data Protection
A Politecnico di Torino master course (Master of Science in Data Science and Engineering) aiming at giving students an increased awareness of the role of data scientists and data experts in society, and a better understanding of the main challenges that they face in developing innovative data-driven products and services.
Sistemi Informativi Aziendali
A Politecnico di Torino course aimed at giving conceptual tools and methods for designing, understanding, and controlling the development processes of information systems in the context of goods and services production.

Semiotics of digital cultures: narratives about the meaning of AI and digital technologies between nonfiction and fiction
“Semiotics of digital cultures” is a course for the postgraduate degree in Communication and Media Cultures of the University of Turin. The course aims to reflect on how the digital technologies that permeate our daily lives are changing the way we assign meaning to what we experience and communicate.
Software Engineering II
A Politecnico di Torino master course (Master of Science in Computer Engineering) aiming at expanding the knowledge and skills of students in the software engineering, especially concerning the management of the software development process, the organization of development activities, quality assurance, process improvement and software evolution.

Web and E-Commerce Law
A University of Turin undergraduate course (BA in Global Law and Transnational Legal Studies) aiming to provide students with a critical understanding of law, regulation and governance of the web. The course covers legal issues of the internet as a means of communication, as a global marketplace and as a tool of mass-surveillance.
International Copyright
A University of Turin undergraduate course (BA in Global Law and Transnational Legal Studies) focused on copyright law in its international and comparative dimensions. The course provides knowledge of the relevant instruments of international law, as well as an understanding of key principles and doctrines applied in common-law and civil-law jurisdictions.

The Global Politics of Intellectual Property
The course, held at the International University College (IUC) of Turin, tackles the historical evolution of IP law, shifting from a framework marked by the USA’s global hegemonic dominance to one defined by the emergence of new national powers. Simultaneously, it examines how the IP framework is increasingly perceived as inconsequential within the realm of “big tech” capitalism.
Courses Archive
Digital technologies and society
Digital technologies and society is a Polytechnic University of Turin master course (Master of Science in Computer Engineering) aiming at raising awareness on what being a computer engineer means in the age of the digital revolution.
Digital culture
A course within the Specialization Master’s in journalism at Università di Torino.
Informatics is creativity
Computer engineering is a highly creative discipline, based on the skills of problem solving, planning and design and cannot be reduced to the image of the “nerd” stereotype. This path is aimed at secondary school female students (3rd and 4th year), with the aim of promoting computer engineering without the gender stereotypes with which it is associated in the collective imagination.
Executive Master “Digital Policy and Technology” – LUISS School of Government
Antonio Vetrò has been responsible for a teaching module at the Executive Master “Digital Policy and Technology” of the LUISS School of Government, held from September to February 2021. The Master Executive, realized in collaboration with Facebook, offered a multidisciplinary and training path, combining the study of political communication with the latest trends in technological development.
Biennale Tecnologia for Teachers and Students of Secondary Schools
In 2021, the Biennale Tecnologia has decided to strongly relaunch its commitment to supporting teachers and students at secondary schools, following up on the proposal of activities and laboratories promoted and carried out during its first edition.
Nexa Summer School
A summer school for Ph.D. and MS students on AI, trying to see it in a positive way, without underestimating the dangers it may take to our democratic life. The summer school aimed at strengthening the relationship between Politecnico di Torino and some prestigious foreign Universities, such as Harvard and Villanova (USA), Max Planck Institute (Germany), Université de Montréal (Canada), Bournemouth University (UK), Telecom ParisTech (France).
Tempi difficili
The Covid-19 pandemic caused a worldwide crisis that is having a deep impact in every aspect of our life: economic, political, cultural, psychological and social. After a particularly difficult year, the Politecnico di Torino wanted to promote a new initiative: a short course to try and find our way out of a crisis that is causing confusion and uncertainty.
Rivoluzione Digitale
Rivoluzione Digitale (Digital Revolution) is an elective course for first-year students at Polytechnic University of Turin. It aims to contribute to the education of future engineers and architects as digital individuals, by providing students with the multidisciplinary knowledge required to understand the digital revolution, and by teaching them practical online-world skills.
New media languages
New media languages is a compulsory course for the second year students of Communication Sciences at the University eCampus. It is an online course which aims at illustrating how intermedia and transmedia communication strategies can be used to turn “old media” into new media, which can offer their users new and meaningful communicative experiences.
Evolutionary dynamics of science and technology
“Evolutionary dynamics of science and technology” is a course within the Specialization Master’s in journalism at Università di Torino. The goal of the course is aligned with that of the Master: to equip students with the professional, technical and cultural tools to work competently in new scenarios and recognize the new challenges of journalism.
Digital Revolution for librarians
In October 2019, Juan Carlos De Martin, Antonio Santangelo and Antonio Vetrò gave a three-day course on the Digital Revolution to a selection of about 30 librarians from public libraries of Torino.
Big Dive
The Top-IX consortium and other partners organize Big Dive, a five-week training program providing the key technical skills needed to dive into the big data universe, including some multidisciplinary knowledge useful to extract value from data.
WIPO Master (LL.M)
The World Intellectual Property Organization and the University of Turin organize an LL.M in Intellectual Property Law at the ILO International Training Center in Turin. The LL.M is coordinated, starting from 2016, by Nexa Fellow Alessandro Cogo, who succeeded Nexa co-director Marco Ricolfi.
FULL (Seminars on communication)
Between February and April 2018, Antonio Santangelo has been charged by FULL (Future Urban Legacy Lab of Polytechnic University of Turin), in his quality of board member, to train researchers, Ph.D. and post-doc students, to effectively communicate the meaning and the results of their studies.
Master School of Journalism
From 2016, the Nexa Trustee Anna Masera is the director of the School of Journalism of the University of Turin: such new leadership enables many opportunities of collaboration between the Nexa Center and the School of Journalism.
Master Course Management of Libre Software
In November 2017, Juan Carlos De Martin, Federico Morando, Marco Torchiano and Antonio Servetti were teaching at the “Master di I livello in management del software libero”, a course for officials in the public administrations and managers in private corporations. The Master ended in December 2018.
Riconnessioni – Fondazione per la Scuola (Compagnia di San Paolo)
Riconnessioni is an education project whose goal is to support teachers in bringing technological, organizational and didactic innovations in primary and junior high schools. The mission of the project is to create a model of educational innovation at a national level.
Big data Academy Intesa Sanpaolo – Digital Culture
The goal of this curriculum proposal is to increase the awareness on the deep motivations that make the digital technologies a disruption with respect to the past, exploring related problems and opportunities. An interdisciplinary approach is used: technological perspectives are combined with the legal, socio-economical, historical and philosophical (included ethics) dimensions.
Topics in Internet & Society Interdisciplinary Studies
class=”justif has-contrast-color has-text-color has-link-color wp-elements-0f90f529fdcdba41fa819e583af6c052″ style=”margin-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–40)”>This course – addressed to students of all Doctoral Programmes – is aimed at providing an interdisciplinary overview of a selection of Internet & Society topics currently addressed by scholars at global level, all of which have tangible implications in many domains, and may very well suggest new lines of […]
Open Data in Public Administrations
From March to May 2016 the Nexa Center delivered a 40 hours course to the employees of public administrations on the Open Data principles, in the context of the continuing training program provided by the Politecnico di Torino.