Member of the Nexa Board of Trustees
Main affiliation: Entrepreneur and blogger (Italy)
Stefano Quintarelli is a serial entrepreneur (and prolific blogger), who pioneered the commercial development of the Internet in Italy, and former professor of information systems, network services and security. He was Member of Parliament in the XVII legislature and member of the High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence of the European Commission. He graduated in IT science at the University of Milan. In 1989 he founded MI.NE.R.S. (Milano Network Researchers and Students), the student telecom association that developed the first e-mail independent system in Italy. In 1994, he was one of the founder of I.NET, the first commercial ISP in Italy. He was one of the founding members of: CLUSIT, Italian association for IT security; AIPSI, Italian association of professionals of IT security (Italian division of He has been a supporter of civic IT backing the first civic networks in Italy (e.g. RCM the civic network of Milan and ONDE – Online Desenzano). He is a supporter of network neutrality and knowledge sharing and he sustained since the beginning the activities of “Condividi la Conoscenza”, the conferences organized by sen. Fiorello Cortiana and in 2005 he introduced in Italy the network neutrality topic in a congress with Lawrence Lessig and in other occasions. He is author of many books and papers on the Internet, published on the most important Italian newspapers.He chaired the Italian ISP association (AIIP) till January 2007. He has been awarded by “Corriere della Sera-Economia” as one of the 30 most innovative Italian entrepreneurs.
He is Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, member of the Steering Committee of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN), Chairman of the Advisory Group on Advanced Technologies for Trade and Transport for UN/CEFACT, and member of the Board of Directors of the Copernicani. He sits in the Scientific Committee of Bollati and Boringhieri for which he published “Capitalismo Immateriale” (Canova Prize for Economic Dissemination) and “Intelligenza Artificiale”.