Share-PSI 2.0

Executive summary

Coordinated by the W3C (with 42 partners) and submitted under the EU ICT-PSP Call 2013, Share PSI 2.0 aims at bringing together stakeholders to continue in the definition of technical standards for PSI.


In the open government data arena, some technical standards are well established. It would be of great benefit expand the breadth of coverage to include the majority of EU member states and beyond; and, also, expand the depth of coverage as subjects are explored among a wide range of stakeholders inside and outside government. In fact, agreement on standards to enable interoperability and integration of public sector information across Europe and beyond are increasingly needed. Share-PSI 2.0 is the European network for the exchange of experience and ideas around implementing open data policies in the public sector. It brings together government departments, standards bodies, academic institutions, commercial organizations, trade associations and interest groups to identify what does and doesn’t work, what is and isn’t practical, what can and can’t be expected of different stakeholders, taking as an input the revised European Directive on Public Sector Information.



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