25-29 September 2017
POLITO, Politecnico di Torino
Room 5D – 3rd floor
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – Torino
The OpenMed Training Week is organised as part of OpenMed, an Erasmus+ project aimed at raising awareness and facilitating the adoption of Open Educational Resources(OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) in the South-Mediterranean countries, with a particular focus on Higher Education in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Palestine.
The OpenMed Training Week will be organized and hosted by Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and it will represent the first phase of the OpenMed course “Open Education: fundamentals and approaches. A learning journey to open up teaching in higher education”, pre-announced here. Around 70 participants coming from different universities, that are partner of the Project, will held The OpenMed Training Week.
The week will aim at introducing the course to the participants and delivering introductory lectures on all modules.
Following the Training Week, the online part of the course will start, during which learners will go through the modules, run the modules activities and develop their project works until March 2018.
The OpenMed Training Week will be introduced by the Opening Keynote: Why Open by Juan Carlos De Martin, co-director of the Nexa Center.
The module Open Licensing and Copyright in Education prepared by Politecnico di Torino will be presented by Eleonora Bassi.
This module introduces the concepts that lay the foundations of Open Educational Resources: Open Licensing and Copyright. Initially, the essentials of copyright will be examined in order to better understand the concept of free licenses and public domain. A focus on the Creative Commons Licenses will follow, studying the basic conditions and how to combine them for creating the proper CC licenses to use. The final part of the module will be devoted to the sibling artifacts of the OERs: open data and open scientific publications. They will be introduced in the general frame of Open Science, the new paradigm that combines the ontological openness of Science with the new opportunities given by the Internet and the digital technologies.
Monday, 25 September, 10:30
Opening Keynote: Why Open?
Juan Carlos De Martin, Co-founder and faculty co-director of the Nexa Center for Internet & Society, Politecnico di Torino
Tuesday, 26 September, 11:00
Introduction on Module 2 – Open Licensing and Copyright in
Eleonora Bassi, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Further information available at: OpenMed Project.