A summer school for Ph.D. and MS students on AI, trying to see it in a positive way, without underestimating the dangers it may take to our democratic life.
The summer school aimed at strengthening the relationship between Politecnico di Torino and some prestigious foreign Universities, such as Harvard and Villanova (USA), Max Planck Institute (Germany), Université de Montréal (Canada), Bournemouth University (UK), Telecom ParisTech (France). This goal had been pursued inviting some members of the Board of Trustees of the Nexa Center for Internet & Society (DAUIN) of the Politecnico di Torino – prestigious and very well-known scholars coming from the Universities mentioned above – to give lectures, together with the personnel of the Nexa Center and with some of its Italian fellows, on Artificial Intelligence and its consequences on society, law and sustainability.