Marco Ricolfi

Marco Ricolfi
Co-Founder and Co-Director

Marco Ricolfi received his degree at the Faculty of Law of the University of Torino in 1974. Master of Laws, Yale Law School, 1975-1976. He is currently a professor of Intellectual Property Law at Turin Law School, where he also teaches Business Law. In 2007, Prof. Ricolfi was a member of the “High-Level Expert Group on the European Digital Libraries” created by the European Commission. He is currently a member of the European Copyright Society. Among his works The Internet of Things and the Ages of Antitrust, in Concorrenza e mercato 2017 (forthcoming); The new paradigm of creativity and innovation and its corollaries for the law of obligations, in (eds) Peter Drahos-Gustavo Ghidini and Hanss Ullrich, Kritika: Essays on Intellectual Property, Vol. I, Edward Elgar, Celtenham, 2015, 134-205 Trattato dei marchi. Diritto europeo e nazionale, Voll. 1 e 2, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015.