159° Mercoledì di Nexa - Algorithmic Management: Features, Impacts, Legal Issues. What's the Current State of Play?

Per il ciclo di incontri “i Mercoledì di Nexa” (ogni 2° mercoledì del mese)
159° Mercoledì di Nexa

Algorithmic Management:

Features, Impacts, Legal Issues.

What's the Current State of Play?

AIDA PONCE DEL CASTILLO (Senior Researcher at European Trade Union Institute)

Mercoledì 8 febbraio 2023, ore 17.00
(termine: ore 19.00)


Centro Nexa su Internet e Società, Politecnico di Torino, Via Boggio 65/a, Torino (1° piano)
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Data-driven management or algorithmic management is the materialisation of how AI models are deployed in the context of employment, and how they coordinate it differently from the traditional employer-worker relationship. Technically, it is one of the most disruptive forms of technological change and a defining feature of the platform business model, which is increasingly colonizing standard work settings (Baiocco et al., 2022; Jarrahi et al., 2021; Parent-Rocheleau & Parker, 2022).

The way algorithmic management works and is deployed is controversial because of its so-called ‘black box’ characteristics. In this talk, I will first outline some of these characteristics, in particular the high dependency on the collection of personal and sensitive data of workers, riders, couriers, etc. I will describe how data fuels the model. I will also talk about how it interferes, in an almost invisible but pervasive manner, with work organisation and working conditions, and impacts individual workers. I will share a possible working definition (Ponce Del Castillo & Naranjo, 2022).

The ‘Directive to Improve the Working Conditions in Platform Work’ put forward by the EU Commission in December 2021 contains a chapter on algorithmic management, with rights and obligations. The proposals bring accountability to digital labour platforms and provides workers with GDPR-like rights, for example transparency provisions regarding the use of algorithms by digital labour platforms, rights for workers regarding automated decisions, their right to access their data and to ask for reviews of such decisions.

In a second and final part, I will map how algorithmic management impacts three different dimensions: (1) the subordination relationship; (2) work organisation and (3) the individual worker. I will present some concluding remarks around the interconnection of, on the one hand, labour law and, on the other, privacy and data protection, which requires an ad hoc legislative response.


Aida PONCE DEL CASTILLO is a lawyer by training. She obtained her European Doctorate in Law, focusing on the regulatory issues of human genetics, from the Universities of Valencia and Bonn. She also holds a Master's degree in Bioethics. Within ETUI's Foresight Unit, her research focuses on strategic foresight and on the legal, ethical, social and regulatory issues of emerging technologies. She is a member of the Competent Authorities Sub-Group to regulate nanomaterials at the European Commission, as well as the OECD's Working Party ‘Nanotechnologies’, ‘-Bio, -Nano and Convergent Technologies’ and 'AI Governance'. Previously, she was the Head of the ETUI Health and Safety Unit, working on occupational health and safety policies in the EU. She also was the Coordinator of the Workers’ Interest Group at the Advisory Committee of Safety and Health to the European Commission.

Letture consigliate:

  • A. Ponce Del Castillo, D. Naranjo Regulating algorithmic management. An assessment of the EC’s draft Directive on improving working conditions in platform work , ETUI, 2022, LINK
  • A. Ponce Del Castillo, Robots, Rights, and Regulation Internet Health Report 2022, LINK

Scarica la versione PDF della presentazione di Aida Ponce Del Castillo.

Video dell'incontro:

Che cosa sono il Centro Nexa e i cicli di incontri “Mercoledì di Nexa”:

Il Centro Nexa su Internet & Società del Politecnico di Torino (Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica), fondato nel 2006, è un centro di ricerca interdisciplinare che, in collaborazione con l’Università di Torino (in particolare il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza), studia le tecnologie digitali e il loro rapporto con la società. Maggiori informazioni all'indirizzo: http://nexa.polito.it/about.

Durante i “Mercoledì di Nexa”, che si tengono ogni 2° mercoledì del mese alle ore 17 in punto, il Centro Nexa su Internet e Società apre le sue porte non solo agli esperti e a tutti coloro i quali lavorano con Internet, ma anche a semplici appassionati e cittadini. Il ciclo di incontri intende approfondire, con un linguaggio preciso ma accessibile, i temi legati alla Rete: “intelligenza artificiale”, social networks, open source/software libero, capitalismo della sorveglianza, neutralità della rete, libertà di espressione, privacy, file sharing, big e open data, “smart cities” e molto altro.

Al centro della maggior parte degli incontri un ospite pronto a dialogare con i direttori del Centro Nexa, il Prof. Juan Carlos De Martin del Politecnico di Torino, i Proff. Marco Ricolfi e Maurizio Borghi dell'Università di Torino, lo staff, i Fellows del Centro Nexa e tutti i presenti.

Maggiori informazioni sui Mercoledì di Nexa, incluso un elenco di tutti i “Mercoledì” passati, sono disponibili all'indirizzo: http://nexa.polito.it/mercoledi. Le registrazioni degli incontri sono disponibili qui: https://nexa.polito.it/audio-video.

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