Ugo Pagallo
(Trustee Centro Nexa)

Mercoledì 10 febbraio 2021, ore 17.00 – 19.00

Stanza virtuale:
L’oggetto dell’incontro ha di mira il duplice modo in cui il genitivo della formula: il diritto ‘della’ intelligenza artificiale (IA), può declinarsi. In senso oggettivo, la formula va riferita agli odierni problemi dell’IA sia come oggetto della regolazione giuridica sia come strumento della stessa, ossia, secondo i dettami e le modalità del cosiddetto tecno-diritto. In senso soggettivo, la formula rimanda all’odierno dibattito sulla personalità giuridica dell’IA e, in senso lato, a quale nuovo status giuridico possa o meno stabilirsi per alcuni tipi d’IA (ad esempio, nel campo dei contratti e nel diritto societario). Muovendo dalla recente Advanced Introduction to the Law and Artificial Intelligence (Barfield & Pagallo 2020), l’intento è di chiarire l’odierno stato dell’arte, attraverso i problemi aperti e le sfide inedite che il diritto dell’intelligenza artificiale sarà chiamato ad affrontare.

Ugo PAGALLO is Full Professor of Jurisprudence, Legal Theory, and Legal Informatics at the Department of Law, University of Turin (Italy). He is current member of the EU Commission Expert Group on liability and new technologies formation, and collaborates with the World Health Organization on its AI4H on-going project on health and AI technologies. Moreover, he has taken part in the IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in AI and Autonomous Systems; the European Science Foundation of Strasbourg, France; and the Joint International Doctoral (PhD) degree in Law, Science and Technology, part of the EU’s Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs). His research interests encompass artificial intelligence (AI) & the law, network and legal theory, and information technology law (in particular, data protection and copyright law). He has published twelve monographs, manifold handbooks, and a hundred articles in peer-reviewed journals. His best known contributions include The Laws of Robots: Crimes, Contracts, and Torts (Springer 2013); Research Handbook on the Law of Artificial Intelligence (ed. with W. Barfield, Edward Elgar 2018); Advanced Introduction to Law and Artificial Intelligence (with W. Barfield, Edward Elgar 2020).
Letture consigliate e link utili
- Barfield, Woodrow e Ugo Pagallo (2020) Advanced Introduction to Law and Artificial Intelligence. Elgar
- Expert Group on Liability and new Technologies Formation, Liability for Artificial Intelligence, European Commission (2019)
- European Commission’s White Paper on AI (2020)
- Research Handbook on the Law of Artificial Intelligence, a cura di Barfield e Pagallo, Elgar (2018)
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