Per il ciclo di incontri “i Nexa Lunch Seminar” (ogni 4° mercoledì del mese)

67° Nexa Lunch Seminar – Follow the thing: li-ion battery

Alberto Valz Gris

(FULL – Politecnico di Torino)

Centro Nexa su Internet & Società
Politecnico di Torino, via Boggio 65/a, Torino (1° piano)

Ingresso libero

Li-ion batteries are constructed through a complex production network spanning a significant portion of the planet. From raw materials extraction across the Southern hemisphere to cell production in the Northern one, their geographies mobilise urban theory well beyond its conventional site: cities. Through a multi-sited and relational research practice, the project aims at articulating the role of production networks and emerging technologies in unequal processes of urbanisation at the planetary scale.
The talk will focus on broadly quantitative data describing the planetary scenario of the li-ion commodity chain as well as more detailed empirical data collected through the first of a series of mobile ethnographies across the Chilean-Argentinian lithium-rich Atacama plateau.


Alberto VALZ GRIS is a PhD candidate in urban geography at the Polytechnic University of Turin and part of the Future Urban Legacy Lab. His doctoral research focuses on emerging processes urbanisation at the planetary scale through global production networks and the automation of labour.

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