Faculty Fellow
Guglielmo Tamburrini (PhD in Philosophy, Columbia University, 1987) is Research Associate and retired Philosophy of Science and Technology Professor at Università di Napoli Federico II in Italy. Coordinator of the first European project on the ethics of robotics (ETHICBOTS, VI FP, 2005-2008), he was awarded in 2014 the Giulio Preti International Prize by the Regional Parliament of Tuscany for contributing to the dialogue between Science, Philosophy and Democracy. His current research interests concentrate on the philosophy of AI, with a special focus on ethical issues arising in the context of human interactions with AI systems. His public engagement activities are mainly concerned with new threats for peace arising from militarized AI, and with related arms control initiatives. He is Scientific board member of USPID (Unione degli Scienziati per il Disarmo), member of ICRAC (InternationalCommittee for Robot Arms Control), and member of ISODARCO (International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts). More info about research and publications at https://www.guglielmotamburrini.com/