Cosma Vergari

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Semantic web

Intern February – April 2020

Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Two things that always have characterized me are awareness and initiative. Expressed in all possible ways of living, they have become my driver towards a sustainable future. My goal is to understand the deepest relations underlying everyone’s ideals and safeguard them in the ever-evolving Internet era. It is a matter of social justice and I think that we have the responsability of keeping the web the democratic place that it is intended to be. Creativity, innovation, ethics and ideals are juxtaposing forces that will jointly bring great changes. The forces that excite my work.
I am involved in Nexa Center’s project Geranium as well as in a research project on the extraction of meaningful semantic relations among semantic types exploiting Linked Data knowledge. Another project that I’m just starting to get into is an iteration of a framework for knowledge discovery starting from textual documents that uses NLP and Semantic Web tools. Getting in touch with the people that work on the cutting-edge of technology progress here at the Nexa Center has enlightened my interest in many heterogeneous topics, and has allowed me to get the big picture of where we are right now and where we are heading.