COMPSAC 2017 – Building Digital Autonomy for a Sustainable World

Friday July 7, 2017
3:00 – 4:15

Aula Magna, Politecnico of Turin
COMPSAC is the IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications. It is a major international forum for academia, industry, and government to discuss research results and advancements, emerging problems, and future trends in computer and software technologies and applications. The technical program includes keynote addresses, research papers, industrial case studies, plenary and specialized panels, fast abstracts, a doctoral symposium, poster sessions, and a number of workshops and tutorials on emerging and important topics. The theme of the 41st COMPSAC is Building Digital Autonomy for a Sustainable World. Visit our venue and travel page for a video on the conference venue in Turin.
The panel is open to all registered IEEE COMPSAC participants.
Plenary Panel: Internet, Industry and Society
Organized by the Nexa Center for Internet & Society at the Politecnico di Torino and the CINI National Laboratory for Computer Science and Society.
Panel Chair:
Juan Carlos De Martin, Politecnico di Torino
Yochai Benkler, Harvard University
Luca De Biase, II Sole 24 Ore
Maurizio Griva, Reply

Juan Carlos De Martin is co-founder and faculty co-director of the Nexa Center for Internet & Society at the Politecnico of Torino, Italy. He is also Faculty Fellow at Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet & Society and a Senior Visiting Researcher at the Internet and Society Laboratory of Keio University (Tokyo). A computer engineering professor with research interests focusing on digital media processing and transmission, he has been broadening the scope of his attention to the more general theme of the interaction between digital technologies and society. His most recent main interest is the future of university in the Internet age, a topic on which he is writing a book. In 2012 he published, together with co-editor Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, “The Digital Public Domain: Foundations for an Open Culture“, (OpenBookPublishers, UK). In 2003 he co-founded, with law professor Marco Ricolfi, Creative Commons Italy, which he led between 2005 and the end of 2012. Between 2007 and 2011 Juan Carlos De Martin was the coordinator of COMMUNIA, the European thematic network on the digital public domain. Since 2007 he is President of the libraries of the Politecnico di Torino. Before returning to Italy in 1998, Juan Carlos De Martin was a visiting researcher at the University of California at Santa Barbara for two years and, after receiving his Ph.D. in Telecommunications from the Politecnico di Torino, he worked for two years at Texas Instruments in Dallas, Texas. Since Spring 2012 Juan Carlos has been teaching a new course on the digital revolution to first-year students at the Politecnico di Torino. Juan Carlos De Martin also serves as member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani and of the Biennale Democrazia. He is a frequent op-ed contributor to “La Stampa”, one of the Italian leading newspapers, and he often acts as a commentator in European media. Juan Carlos De Martin is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and is the author, or co-author, of over 100 peer-reviewed conference papers, journal papers and book chapters (full list of publications available here: 3AJuan_Carlos=3A004620=3A.html).

Yochai Benkler is the Berkman Professor of Entrepreneurial Legal Studies at Harvard, and faculty co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Before joining the faculty at Harvard Law School, he was Joseph M. Field ’55 Professor of Law at Yale. He writes about the Internet and the emergence of networked economy and society, as well as the organization of infrastructure, such as wireless communications. In the 1990s he played a role in characterizing the centrality of information commons to innovation, information production, and freedom in both its autonomy and democracy senses. In the 2000s, he worked more on the sources and economic and political significance of radically decentralized individual action and collaboration in the production of information, knowledge and culture. His work traverses a wide range of disciplines and sectors, and is taught in a variety of professional schools and academic departments. In real world applications, his work has been widely discussed in both the business sector and civil society. His books include The Wealth of Networks: How social production transforms markets and freedom (2006), which received the Don K. Price award from the American Political Science Association for best book on science, technology, and politics, the American Sociological Association’s CITASA Book Award an outstanding book related to the sociology of communications or information technology, the Donald McGannon award for best book on social and ethical relevance in communications policy research, was named best business book about the future by Stategy & Business, and otherwise enjoyed the gentle breath of Fortuna. In civil society, Benkler’s work was recognized by the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Pioneer Award in 2007, and the Public Knowledge IP3 Award in 2006. His articles include Overcoming Agoraphobia (1997/98, initiating the debate over spectrum commons); Commons as Neglected Factor of Information Production (1998) and Free as the Air to Common Use (1998, characterizing the role of the commons in information production and its relation to freedom); From Consumers to Users (2000, characterizing the need to preserve commons as a core policy goal, across all layers of the information environment); Coase’s Penguin, or Linux and the Nature of the Firm (characterizing peer production as a basic phenomenon of the networked economy) and Sharing Nicely (2002, characterizing shareable goods and explaining sharing of material resources online). His work can be freely accessed at

Luca De Biase is a journalist and writer. He is the founder and chief editor of Nòva, the science and technology crossplatform section at Il Sole 24 Ore. He is the president of the scientific committee at MediaCivici Association, which is meant to research and help improve the information ecosystem emerging in the social media. He is author of “Homo Pluralis”, “Economia della felicità”, “Il mago d’ebiz” and “In nome del popolo mondiale”. He blogs at and He edited with Giorgio Meletti ““. He contributed to the project and implementation of various initiatives, such as Skillpass, ScienceXpress, I nonni raccontano, EquiLiber, Reporters Online. He teaches Knowledge Management and at Pisa university, journalism at Padova university and Sissa university. The Media Ecology Association awarded Luca with The James W. Carey Award for Outstanding Media Ecology Journalism 2016.

Maurizio Griva is a manager at Concept Reply with the responsibility of business development and funded research projects in the areas of Cloud computing platforms and the Internet of Things.He has previously spent the last 10 years in managing large software projects as operations manager, quality and IT manager at Motorola.
Further information available at: compsac2017.