Carlo Blengino lives in Turin and is a lawyer and a partner of the legal firm “Studio Legale Catalano Penalisti Associati”.
Carlo deals exclusively with criminal law cases, with special reference to professional liabilities, economics criminal laws, intellectual property rights, ICT law, privacy and data protection.
Since the early ‘90s he faced before the Courts main legal issues related to copyright, cybercrime, and ISP liability: among his many defenses, the one in the well-known sentence on downloading (Cass.149/07), the defense of many users in the Peppermint case, and on behalf of Google Inc., he was the defense lawyer of the Google Global Privacy Counsel in the Google vs. Vividown leading case.
He is fellow of NEXA Center for Internet & Society at the Politecnico di Torino.
He writes for some on-line journals and for scientific magazines and He has published contributions for several publishers: Giappichelli, UTET Giurdica, Egea ed Aracne.
He has a personal blog on IlPost.it.