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staff 2006-2007
Andrea Glorioso is assistant researcher at the Politecnico of Torino. His research focuses on the analysis and development of multidisciplinar methodologies for promoting the uptake of copyright licenses and licensing frameworks built upon principles of sharing rather than of exclusion (as is normally the case for property rights). He was granted an MA in Political Sciences and Sociology by the University of Padova (summa cum laude), a specialisation diploma in Information Technology Law by the Centro Studi Informatica Giuridica and a Master (LLM) in Intellectual Property Law by the University of Torino and the WIPO Worldwide Academy (summa cum laude, winner of the Microsoft prize for best research paper). He was the technical coordinator of the AGNULA IST coordination action (IST-2001-34879); technical advisor of the S2S^2 IST-FET coordination action (IST-2004-03773) and of the Cost287-ConGAS COST-TIST action; he currently sits on the management board of the MUSIC IST integrated project (IST-2006-035166) for which he is responsible of the overall Open Source strategy of the project. He was also involved in the proposal and in the initial steps of COMMUNIA, the Thematic Network on the Digital Public Domain (eContentPlus) coordinated by the Nexa Center for Internet & Society.