Status: concluded
Period: July 2015 – December 2015
Funding: 51.583,86 € (Nexa Center funding 15.575,00) – Project’s Budget: 103.179,25 (Nexa’s budget: 31.161,53)
Funding organization: Piedmont Region through EU ERDF fund (“POR FESR 07/13 – Measure L1.3 – Feasibility studies”)
Person(s) in charge: Lorenzo Canova (Nexa Project Manager), Giuseppe Futia (Linked Data Specialist), Alessio Melandri (Linked Data Specialist)
Executive summary
Since the Transparency Act in 2013 (D.lgs 33/2013) lots of Open Government datasets have been released by the Italian public sector bodies. They don’t have high intrinsic quality and they are fragmented in different non-standardized files in a way that they become hardly reusable.
MAPO is a feasibility study that aims at showing how a “machine processable portal” exposing standard linked data and API could be easily implementable with just minor costs for the public administration. For doing this, the project concentrates on two distinct domains, the one of the events and the one of public expenditure (concession acts art. 27-28 d.lgs 33/2013).
The final aim of the project is to try to create a standard for publishing linked open data for the Italian public administrations in order to make open data more reusable.
1. Analysis of the state of the art of solutions for releasing Open data for Public administrations in Italy;
2. Experimenting a pipeline for standardizing and releasing linked data regarding events and public procurement contracts;
3. Building a technical solution for publishing machine readable data for the new transparency section (transparency 3.0) and event section taking in consideration objective 1 and 2.
The project has finished reaching all its objectives.
A mock-up of the implementations is available here:
Project news can be found on the following channel: GitHub