Per il ciclo di incontri “i Nexa Lunch Seminar” (ogni 4° mercoledì del mese)

26° Nexa Lunch Seminar – What is “ownership” in an Internet of Things world?

Hanne Melin

(eBay Inc.)

Centro Nexa su Internet & Società
Politecnico di Torino, via Boggio 65/a, Torino (1° piano)

Ingresso libero

The policy and governance challenge should be re-framed, redefining the consumer interestsrights, and power, mapping at the same time the commercial interests and power in the IoT domain. In this context, in fact, the physical dimension is determined and controlled by the digital one, which, in turn, is controlled by the entity governing the data.

For these reasons, we need to answer specific questions: which are the economic interests already at play, and which are expected to enter the game soon? Which are the implications of current business models and software and infrastructure design choices? What are the policy and technology tools for balanced rights and empowerment? And finally, what can we do –as citizens, as firms, as research centers– to influence this process?


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