Dalhousie University
Discussant: Massimo Durante (Università degli Studi di Torino)

Venerdì 29 giugno 2018
ore 15.00

Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Campus Luigi Einaudi, aula H2, secondo piano, D4,
Lungo Dora Siena, 100 A, Torino
This lecture examines how the European rules on copyright affect scientific research, in particular through text and data mining (TDM). TDM is an increasingly popular research method that uses computational capacity to query mass quantities of information in order to produce new knowledge. TDM involves the reproduction of the information to be queried. The question arises whether this practice amounts to an infringement of copyright. The lecture will analyse the rules in force in selected Member States and will take a critical look at the relevant provisions of the Proposal for a European Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market.

Lucie Guibault is associate professor at the Law and Technology Institute of the Schulich School of Law, which is part of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. She joined the Schulich School of Law in July 2017, after spending twenty years at the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). She is specialized in international and comparative copyright and intellectual property law. Her main areas of interest include copyright and related rights in the information society, open content licensing, collective rights management, limitations and exceptions in copyright, and author’s contract law. She has published extensively on legal issues relating to open access in science. In the area of text and data mining, she co-authored together with Ian Hargreaves and others a report for the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation) entitled ‘Standardisation in the area of innovation and technological development, notably in the field of Text and Data Mining’ (Luxembourg, 2014). She also co-authored a paper with Christian Handke and Joan Josep Vallbé entitled ‘Is European falling Behind? Copyright’s Impact on Data Mining in Academic Research’, which received the LIBER Innovation Award 2015 and the Finalist Best Paper Award at the EPIP conference 2015. She was also partner of two Horizon2020 projects dedicated to Text and Data Mining, namely OpenMinTeD and FutureTDM.