112° Mercoledì di Nexa - Opportunities and Challenges in the Legal Tech Services in the Italian and European Framework

Per il ciclo di incontri “i Mercoledì di Nexa” (ogni 2° mercoledì del mese)
112° Mercoledì di Nexa

Opportunities and Challenges

in the Legal Tech Services

in the Italian and European Framework

Giuseppe Vaciago (Avvocato e fellow Centro Nexa)

Mercoledì 10 ottobre 2018 ore 18 in punto
(termine: ore 20)

Centro Nexa su Internet e Società
Politecnico di Torino, Via Boggio 65/a, Torino (1° piano)
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With its CodeX project, Stanford University in California has sought to divide legal tech companies into nine categories: 1. Marketplace; 2. Document Automation; 3. Practice Management; 4. Legal Research; 5. Legal Education; 6. Online Dispute Resolution; 7. E-Discovery; 8. Analytics; 9. Compliance.

Currently the bulk of these companies provide Document Automation, Marketplace and Practice Management services but there is also significant growth in companies offering Compliance, Analytics and Legal Research services. After a succinct analysis of the related market, the aim of this presentation is to highlight the main critical aspects as well as the evident opportunities which could arise from the introduction of these new services throughout the legal sector.
The main critical aspects are related to fairness and reliability of the algorithm, while the opportunity is to create an efficient, transparent and speed process for receiving legal services that it could mean a significant saving of the public fund. The legal profession is at an important, delicate crossroads. Legal tech services and, chiefly, the use of artificial intelligence must not be overestimated, but neither should they be ostracised. The best policy must be gradual because Italy and Europe are far behind the United States which has already gained considerable experience.

The goal in order to develop the future of the legal profession is to transform, where appropriate, the legal service into an organised process . Once this transformation has been happened, it will be possible to appreciate which aspects can be automated and which areas, out of necessity, must remain within the remit of professional lawyers.


A lawyer since 2002, Giuseppe VACIAGO is a Partner of R&P legal since 2013. He focuses on criminal law relating to new technology, and corporate criminal law as well as advising on the drafting of organizational models pursuant to Italian law 231/01; he acts for a number of leading national and international companies in the IT sector. Giuseppe Vaciago has a PhD in Digital Forensics from the University of Milan-Bicocca and lectures in IT law at the University of Insubria. He is Lead Auditor ISO/IEC 27001/20013, IT Security. He attended Stanford Law School and Fordham Law School in New York as a Visiting Scholar. He has also been invited to speak on a number of occasions by the most prestigious Italian universities as well as universities abroad. Giuseppe Vaciago is the author of a number of Italian university textbooks including “Computer Crimes” (jointly with the Milan Finance Police) "Digital Evidence" and “Organization, Management and Control Models pursuant to Law 231/01″.

Letture consigliate e link utili:

  • Chrissie Lightfoot, Tomorrow’s Naked Lawyer, Ark Group, 2014.
  • Jerry Kaplan, Intelligenza artificiale. Guida al futuro prossimo, EditoreLuiss University Press, 2017.
  • Richard Susskind, Tomorrow's Lawyers: An Introduction To Your Future, Oxford Press, 2017.
  • Claudia Morelli, StartUp legal tech: quante sono e cosa fanno, Altalex, 2018.
  • Pieter Gunst, The Legal Tech Startup Landscape, Codex Future Law 2018.

Scarica le diapositive della presentazione di Giuseppe Vaciago.

Foto dell'incontro:

112° Mercoledì di Nexa - Opportunities and Challenges in the Legal Tech Services in the Italian and European Framework 112° Mercoledì di Nexa - Opportunities and Challenges in the Legal Tech Services in the Italian and European Framework 112° Mercoledì di Nexa - Opportunities and Challenges in the Legal Tech Services in the Italian and European Framework 112° Mercoledì di Nexa - Opportunities and Challenges in the Legal Tech Services in the Italian and European Framework

Video dell'incontro:

Mercoledì 14 novembre 2018, ore 18
Tema: Ecologia, tecnologia e diritto privato
Ospite: Ugo Mattei (Università degli Studi di Torino)

Mercoledì 24 ottobre 2018, ore 13
Tema: Scuola e digitale
Ospite: Lorenzo Benussi (Fellow Centro Nexa)

Che cosa sono il Centro Nexa e i cicli di incontri “Mercoledì di Nexa” e “Nexa Lunch Seminar”:

Il Centro Nexa su Internet & Società del Politecnico di Torino (Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica) è un centro di ricerca indipendente e interdisciplinare che studia Internet e il suo effetto sulla società. Maggiori informazioni all'indirizzo: http://nexa.polito.it/about.

Durante i “Mercoledì di Nexa”, che si tengono ogni 2° mercoledì del mese alle ore 18 in punto, il Centro Nexa su Internet e Società apre le sue porte non solo agli esperti e a tutti coloro i quali lavorano con Internet, ma anche a semplici appassionati e cittadini. Il ciclo di incontri intende approfondire, con un linguaggio preciso ma divulgativo, i temi legati alla Rete: motori di ricerca, Creative Commons, social networks, open source/software libero, neutralità della rete, libertà di espressione, privacy, file sharing, big e open data, smart cities e molto altro.

Al centro di quasi tutti gli incontri un ospite pronto a dialogare con i direttori del Centro Nexa, il Prof. Juan Carlos De Martin del Politecnico di Torino e il Prof. Marco Ricolfi dell'Università di Torino, nonché lo staff e i Fellows del Centro Nexa.

Maggiori informazioni sui Mercoledì di Nexa, incluso un elenco di tutti i “Mercoledì” passati, sono disponibili all'indirizzo: http://nexa.polito.it/mercoledi.

Si segnala inoltre che dal maggio 2012 ogni 4° mercoledì del mese dalle ore 13 alle ore 14 il Centro Nexa organizza anche i "Nexa Lunch Seminar". Una lista di tutti i “Lunch Seminar” passati è disponibile all'indirizzo: http://nexa.polito.it/lunch-seminars.

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